My wife and I have been married for almost 40 years. During this time we have had many ups and downs. When we repeat our wedding vows, we say, “For better or for worse.” We all want and look forward to the better times, but most of us do not consider the worst. And I promise… the worse times will come.

Becky and I have coached hundreds of couples over the years, helping them prepare for the worse times and how to handle the conflict in their marriages.

I have often heard that we don’t have “marriage problems” in our marriages, but we have a “God problem.” Since God is our healer, if we will surrender our marriages to Him, He can heal them. No matter all the worse times.


- God’s Vision for Marriage
- Convent vs. Contract
- Why Do We Fight?
- Family of Origin
- Peace vs. Pain Cycle
- Conflict Resolution
- Forgiveness/Trust
- Know Your Spouse
- Plan for Your Marriage
- Broken Marriages Can Be Healed

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