When we think about addiction, our first thought usually goes straight to drugs or alcohol. But, there are so many other areas we can become addicted to.

For me, it was porn, work, my looks, and technology. I had to first understand where these wants/”needs” came from before I could overcome them.

Make no mistake, recovery from addiction is a very challenging journey. It requires extraordinary commitment, support, and a willingness to face difficult emotions and behaviors.

However, also make no mistake, it is possible to break free from the chains that have their grip on you and to build a free and brighter future. It really is.

Recovery TOPICS

- Alcohol/Drug Addiction
- Pornography Addiction
- Work Alcoholic
- Performance
- Wanting More, Needing Less
- Technology
- Sexual Abuse
- Grief
- Abandonment
- 4 Musts to be an Overcomer: Health, Medical, Purpose, Community

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